March 25, 2025

Votes Are In! Dept of Health Announces Winners of Name Walz’s Executive Orders Contest

In order to steer attention away from the damaging affects of Governor Walz’s executive orders, the MN Department of Health held a contest in February, asking the public to name the Governor’s executive orders. Creativity was rewarded in the program and the finalists were announced this morning. In a joint deal with Minnesota’s federal congressional delegation, the winner receives an extra stimulus check from the Biden Administration’s new $1.9 Trillion program.

According to Dept of Health Tsar, Jan Malcom, MDH welcomed “regular citizens input on naming Governor Tim Walz’s executive orders that saved lives”. Her department’s intent was to give politicos from both parties something to do in their spare time when not running candidates’ elections into the ground. This year’s winner is Billy Grant, who unsuccessfully managed Tyler Kistner, Doug Wardlow and a sheriff candidate’s campaigns.

The Name Governor Walz’s Executive Orders contest is not to be confused with the similar MNDOT contest, Name that Snowplow.

Here’s the winner and runner ups

  • Shutty McShutdown – winner
  • Duck, duck, lockdown
  • Masked, Inc
  • Stay at Home Companion
  • I Won’t Be Home for Christmas

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