March 26, 2025

Following National Democrats’ Lead, Minnesota DFL House Votes to Remove John Thompson from Committee Assignments

Minnesota House Democrats, who have a claim to moral superiority over their Republican colleagues, showed good faith today by following the lead of Democrats in the U.S. House. As Congressional Democrats voted to remove Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments for social media posts she “liked” before her time in office, so did Democrats in Minnesota with their own problem child. They voted to remove Rep John Thompson from his committee assignments.

As you may recall, Thompson made national news last summer for leading a protest outside the home of Minneapolis Police Union Chief Bob Kroll’s home, stating his intentions to set flames to Hugo and other Minnesota towns. His violent rhetoric was not condemned by most during the election season, but in today’s world of political posturing, Minnesota Democrats did not want to look like hypocrites.

House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler (ze/zim) took to the house floor stating, “An instigator of violent rhetoric and a stalker of a public figure’s homestead has no right to make policy in a collegial body. Keeping up with the new tradition of silencing voices in this body, I filed legislation to remove Mr Thompson of his committee assignments.”