March 29, 2025

To Restore Faith in Gun Community, Candidate Scott Jensen Brags about Purchasing “High powered AR-15 with 20 round clip”

Former State Senator Scott Jensen announced on Tuesday that he was running for Governor of Minnesota. But his announcement was met with criticism of Jensen’s Universal Background Check legislation he co-sponsored while in office. So the candidate took to Facebook this morning to explain how much he loves his guns.

“There are those who say I’m against the 2nd Amendment” stated the gun grabbing Jensen. “But nothing could be further from the truth. I was for Universal Background Checks, before I was against it. As long as someone does a proper background check with the sheriffs office, and forms a militia necessary to the security of a free state, then I won’t as Governor infringe on a person’s right to keep arms”.

When asked what kind of firearms the former Senator owned, Jensen bragged that he had just purchased a “high powered Ar-15 with a 20 round clip” that he allegedly bought at Dick’s Sporting Goods last week. Minnesota Loonatic will verify the accuracy of the story and report back later.